- So what exactly is WebSearch?? 所以到底上网??
- So what exactly is data recovery? 到底做数据恢复?
- T: So what exactly is revenue management? 确切地说什么是税收管理?
- Jack: Right. So what exactly is this wonderful mission? 那好吧,这个了不起的任务到底是什么?
- So what exactly is a "good" moisturizer?Dermatologist Charles E. 究竟怎么样才是一种“品质好的”润肤霜呢?
- So what exactly is being done to protect us from these mechanical menaces? 那么目前科学家们究竟做了多少事去保护我们免受这些机器的威胁呢?
- This season, Arsenal seems to be little changed, so what exactly is a means to let the gunmen out of their immature, to be mature? 本赛季,阿森纳似乎有点脱胎换骨,那么究竟是用了什么手段让枪手们摆脱稚嫩,走向成熟呢?
- Could you tell me what exactly is the matter? 你可以告诉我到底是怎么回事吗?
- A: So what exactly are you suggesting? 那你到底有什么具体建议呢?
- But what exactly is gourmet coffee? 但是什么样的咖啡才可以称得上是极品咖啡呢?
- I'm sorry to hear that. What exactly is. 很抱歉。出什么问题了?
- What Exactly Is a Finite State Machine? 有限状态机定义?
- What exactly is a programming language? 究竟什么是编程语言?
- What exactly is meant by Multiple Level Undo? 多级撤消到底意味着什么?
- What exactly is social enterprise stands for? 究竟何谓社会企业?
- Sylvia: So what exactly did your teacher say about fire safety? 思薇亚:所以你的老师到底是怎么说防火安全的?
- What exactly is the protocol with that? 这件事有确定的协议吗?
- What exactly is this inner light and sound? 内在的光与音是什么呢?
- But what exactly is on your mind? 可是你有什么心事啊?
- Ginger: Fowler. What exactly is the R. A. F.? 津杰:福勒,皇家空军到底是什么?